
The Real Reason Home Prices are Increasing

There are many unsubstantiated theories as to why home values are continuing to increase. From those who are worried that lending standards are again becoming too lenient (data shows this is untrue), to those who are concerned that prices are again approaching boom peaks because of “irrational exuberance” (this is also untrue as prices are

Bubble Alert! Is it Getting Too Easy to Get a Mortgage?

There is little doubt that it is easier to get a home mortgage today than it was last year. The Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI), published by the Mortgage Bankers Association, shows that mortgage credit has become more available in each of the last several years. In fact, in just the last year: More buyers

Buying a Home Can Be Scary… Unless You Know the Facts [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights: Many potential homebuyers believe that they need a 20% down payment and a 780 FICO® score to qualify to buy a home, which stops many of them from even trying! Here are some facts: 40% of millennials who purchased homes this year have put down less than 10%. 76.4% of loan applications were

Millennials Flock Towards Low Down Payment Programs

A report released by Down Payment Resource shows that 61% of first-time homebuyers purchased their homes with a down payment of 6% or less. The trend continued among all buyers with a mortgage, as 73% made a down payment of less than 20%. An article by Chase points to a new wave of millennial homebuyers: “We teamed up with Google to